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Providing kids with huggable and snuggable friends.

On their second annual visit to the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse (CPCA) on Wednesday, December 21st, 2022, Petro Poughkeepsie team members brought along some very huggable friends for distribution to local children.

This year, with the help of some friends in Orange County, the Petro team topped last year’s donation of 100 stuffed animal with an astounding 146 snuggable companions that will be there to help comfort kids when needed most.

The CPCA provides child and family support, addressing the epidemic of child abuse through prevention services and education. CPCA’s vision is to end child abuse and provide parents and families with the tools and knowledge needed to provide safe, caring and nurturing environments for their children.

The Poughkeepsie team enjoyed sharing their office space with these cuddly friends until delivery day arrived and the CPCA was very appreciative of the number of stuffed animals we were able to collect on their behalf. 

Thank you to everyone on the Poughkeepsie team and in the Orange County community who helped with this caring initiative.